UF Campus Aerial Photo

Gator Lift

Gator Lift is a free shuttle service reserved only for UF students, faculty, and staff with temporary or permanent mobility-related disabilities. Gator Lift service is provided to locations within the main UF campus and to a limited number of off-campus, UF-owned properties.

Gator Lift service is normally provided Monday – Friday from 7 AM – 11 PM during each semester. During break weeks or dates when no classes are in session, service is provided Monday – Friday from 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM. Gator Lift does not operate on weekends and University holidays.

To submit a ride request, please use our Ride Request Form located at the bottom of the page.

If you’re running late or need to cancel a scheduled ride, or if you need to know your driver’s location, contact our Gator Lift team directly by calling (352) 494-2305.

To send us a comment, question or feedback, email us at gator-lift@ad.ufl.edu.

Please note that Gator Lift cannot accept same-day ride requests. Ride requests must be submitted by 3:30 PM on the business day before service is needed to ensure that they can be processed and added to the schedule.

Service is available ONLY to students, faculty and staff with mobility-related disabilities. Non-disabled students, faculty and staff may not use Gator Lift. Please be aware that Gator Lift reserves the right to request formal medical documentation and/or deny service to any passenger who does not have a verifiable need for using paratransit.

Gator Lift FAQs

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3:30 PM Scheduling Deadline
All ride requests and changes must be received no later than 3:30 PM on the business day before service is needed. For example, a request for a Tuesday ride should be submitted by 3:30 PM Monday to ensure that it can be added to the schedule for Tuesday. Rides and/or changes received after this deadline cannot be guaranteed to be added to the schedule.

Ride cancellation requests are an exception and can be submitted anytime. Same day ride cancellations can be communicated directly to our drivers at (352) 494-2305, but our drivers cannot accept any other schedule changes – all other ride requests and schedule changes must be submitted using the form or email.

Gator Lift does not have staff available to schedule rides on weekends, so rides for Mondays should be submitted by 3:30 PM on the preceding Friday to ensure that they can be added to the schedule.

You'll Receive Emailed Schedule Reminders
Gator Lift sends an email listing your tentative schedule at 2 PM the day before service is requested. If you see any errors, please contact Gator Lift at gator-lift@ad.ufl.edu as soon as possible to make changes before the 3:30 PM scheduling deadline.

Gator Lift will send a second email listing your final schedule at 7 AM on the day of service.

Two Minute Maximum Wait Time
Please be aware that Gator Lift’s drivers are on an extremely tight schedule and cannot wait longer than two (2) minutes at pick-up points. Please be courteous to our drivers and other riders by being sure to allow yourself enough time to get to the pick-up location before the shuttle arrives. Gator Lift will do our best to return and accommodate riders who miss their scheduled pickup, but we must stay on schedule and cannot make any guarantees of availability for make-up rides.

If you are running late for a scheduled ride, you can contact our drivers directly at (352) 494-2305 to let them know and adjust your pickup time as needed.

No-Show Policy
We reserve the right to suspend service for riders who fail to show up for multiple scheduled rides without providing advance notice. Please also be aware that if a rider misses a scheduled ride without contacting Gator Lift in advance, that rider’s remaining schedule for the same day will be cancelled automatically.

If you schedule a ride, please be on time for your pick-up. If your plans change and you no longer need a ride, please make sure that you email us at gator-lift@ad.ufl.edu or call (352) 494-2305 ahead of time to notify us that you will not be riding.