Impound & Suspension Information
Please read and obey all campus parking rules. Non-compliance may result in your vehicle being impounded or towed or your campus parking privileges being suspended!
Impoundment (Booting/Towing)
Accumulation of 3 or more delinquent parking citations which have a remaining balance due will be grounds for impoundment. Additionally, if you currently have 5 guilty citations during the academic year (September 1 through August 31) and receive a 6th citation within the same academic year, your vehicle may be impounded upon receiving the 6th citation and for each citation thereafter.
Vehicles may be released from impound 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you wish to release your vehicle from impound on a weekday between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm, you must do so at the Transportation and Parking Services Customer Relations Office, located at 1273 Gale Lemerand Drive (just north of Mowry Road at the front of Parking Garage 13). If you wish to release your vehicle from impound at any other time, you must do so at the University of Florida Police Department (352) 392-1111).
Regardless of which location you release your vehicle from, all delinquent citations must be paid in full, along with a boot fee of $100 or a towing fee of $125, for the impounded vehicle to be released.
Vehicle impoundment may also result if:
- Parked in a no parking zone, service area, fire lane or disabled persons parking space
- Parked in a reserved or restricted parking area
- Parked obstructing traffic or creating a hazard
- Parked at a bus stop
- Abandoned
- One or more parking citations have not been paid or appealed within 15 calendar days after issuance of the parking citation
- Payment with a bad check
- Parking privileges have been suspended
Suspension of Parking Privileges
Accumulation of 10 or more guilty parking citations (paid or unpaid) from September 1 through August 31 will result in suspension of campus parking privileges upon issuance of the next citation.
At the beginning of each academic year, a fresh start will be given in regard to the number of citations accrued during the previous year. However, previous parking citations are not forgiven, and individuals are still responsible for any outstanding balance due.
The intent of this enforcement policy is to help control and reduce the amount of illegal parking on campus by holding repeat offenders accountable for their actions. Illegal parking reduces the amount of available parking and is unfair to those who have parking decals and properly adhere to UF regulations.