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PATC Orientation Information

PATC Membership Structure

The committee consists of 19 members:

  • 14 faculty members
    • 7 appointed by the President or President’s designee
    • 7 elected by the Faculty Senate from the faculty at large
  • 5 student members
  • 1 committee member shall be elected by the other members to serve as Chair

In addition, the committee shall have ex officio members as shown below:

  • Advisory Support Staff
  • Director of Transportation and Parking Services (or designated representative)
  • Director of Campus Planning and Construction Management
  • Director of Physical Plant
  • Director of University Police Department
  • Strategic Planner for UF Master Plan


What Are The Parking and Transportation Committee’s Roles and Responsibilities?

The Parking and Transportation Committee is responsible for reviewing and recommending all programs, policies and regulations governing transportation, parking, bicycles and pedestrians on campus.

This responsibility includes: the review of programs to enhance campus access, the review of proposed site locations for new pedestrian, bicycle and parking facilities, and the review of financial matters pertaining to the operation of Transportation and Parking Services.

The Parking and Transportation Committee, in conjunction with the Land Use and Facilities Planning Committee, will be responsible for providing recommendations on the overall appearance and development of the campus to the Vice President for Business Affairs.

This responsibility as it relates to transportation and parking includes: participating in the development and updating of the University Master Plan, reviewing and recommending approval/denial of all project sites during the programming phase, reviewing and recommending approval/denial of building footprints during the schematic design and design development phase, providing input on minor projects ($1m and less) that impact the footprint of existing buildings, and reviewing and recommending approval/denial of all requests for land use changes.


Transportation and Parking Services Function

The mission of Transportation and Parking Services (TAPS) is to manage and facilitate access to and mobility within the University of Florida campus. This includes all aspects of the University’s parking and transportation programs. Parking on our campus is becoming an increasingly scarce commodity.

TAPS endeavors to develop policies and programs that serve to reduce the number of single occupant vehicles (SOV’s) and maximize alternate commuting options for all members of the University community, including students, faculty, staff and campus visitors, as well as for the Shands Hospital and the Health Science Center community.

TAPS manages approximately 23,000 spaces in thirteen garages and nearly 200 surface parking lots on campus to accommodate a large portion of approximately 50,000 students, 17,000 faculty and staff members, thousands of daily visitors, and special event attendees. Most campus parking spaces are restricted for use by individuals eligible to purchase and display parking decals or special permits as appropriate. Limited pay parking facilities are provided at the Visitor Welcome Center, at Shands Hospital’s visitor and patient garages, and at parking meters at several locations around the campus.

UF has partnered with The City of Gainesville’s Regional Transit System to provide fare-free transit services to all students, faculty and staff. These services are funded through a student-paid Transportation Access Fee, and from revenues collected by TAPS for decal sales, fines and daily parking fees.

TAPS is an auxiliary service receiving no funding from the University, the state or the federal government. Revenue generated from decal sales, citation payments and visitor parking fees fully funds TAPS, operating expenses, salaries, parking lot and garage maintenance, as well as new construction of parking facilities.